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The game was very fun. I enjoyed the art and the gameplay.
A few things:

  1. I got a blue rectangle to my right at all time? is it supposed to be there?
  2. I'd much rather you used controls different than shift and control. This is obviously preference, but for me(and I assume many others that didn't turn off this feature), pressing shift 5 times(which can happen a lot in this game because of the jumping) brings out a popup asking me if I want to activate sticky keys
  3. level 3 crushed after I died too many times, pretty unfortunate.

But I do want to end with another praise and say that pressing the arrows more for more momentum was a great idea(even if you took it from other games, it was the first time I saw it) and I really loved messing around with the accelaration.

Thanks! The blue triangle and the crashing are errors that can up when I exported the game to HTML5 that I didn't have time to fix before the jam deadline! As soon as the jam judging period is over I'll upload a new version to fix them!

I dig the old game style, the controls are bit messy for me but still had fun

(1 edit)

Really solid game, but I think it'd have been better if the controls could be held cause the game is carpal tunnel inducing. Also, shift is kind of a strange key to put confirm on, and I'd recommend putting the controls in the description.

Thanks! I've updated the description to include the controls. After the jam is over and I can update the game, I'll most likely switch it to space or z (or both)!